Our guides were a couple of goofs- one that laughed constantly (for no apparent reason) and the other that took pleasure out of playing pranks on us foreigners.
We started out the day riding elephants.

Because of the ever straying/spraying elephant trunks, we completed our journey covered in elephant snot. Yum.

After devouring the food (which also may or may not have contributed to Dan and my later illnesses), we hopped aboard our bamboo rafts! We were instructed to leave our cameras behind as they would no doubt get wet. The motto for this raft ride down the river was "no wet; no fun" (spoken in broken English like a true Thai guy). After our ride, I snuck away to snap a picture of the rafts, as well as some folks riding them. There were 4 people (including one guide) per raft.
I felt incredibly safe on the huge hunks of bamboo!
While I was out sneaking pictures of the rafts, Lowell had a little friend pay him a visit.
Lowell had no idea what was on him, but the rest of our crew enjoyed snapping photos while Lowell calmly endured the presence of the heinous spider. When I returned, they were eager to show me the spider lounging on Lowell's shoulder before flicking it away. Better that it happened to Lowell than me... I would NOT have been so calm. (I HATE spiders).
We hung out at the village briefly before gathering our things and heading back into Chiang Mai. One of my best/most prominent memories of Thailand occurred at this time. Our group (4 Canadians, 5 Brits, and our Thai guide) stood in a circle and laughed hysterically for seemingly no reason. Mr Dodee, our guide, had the most ridiculous/dorky laugh, and the more he laughed, the more we laughed (and he laughed for no reason at all). The more we would laugh, the more he would laugh, and everything escalated to an unreasonable amount of ridiculous laughter... about nothing. We were laughing about laughing... and it was FUNNY!
Not long after arriving at our guesthouse, Daniel and I succumbed to our illnesses, and we spent the next 2 days being coddled and taken care of by our spouses before our health returned and we flew to our next destination: Phuket!

While I was out sneaking pictures of the rafts, Lowell had a little friend pay him a visit.

We hung out at the village briefly before gathering our things and heading back into Chiang Mai. One of my best/most prominent memories of Thailand occurred at this time. Our group (4 Canadians, 5 Brits, and our Thai guide) stood in a circle and laughed hysterically for seemingly no reason. Mr Dodee, our guide, had the most ridiculous/dorky laugh, and the more he laughed, the more we laughed (and he laughed for no reason at all). The more we would laugh, the more he would laugh, and everything escalated to an unreasonable amount of ridiculous laughter... about nothing. We were laughing about laughing... and it was FUNNY!

shelley's thoughts:
1) awesome adventure!
2) elephants are COOL..i want to ride one
3) baby elephants are BIG
4) spiders FREAK ME OUT!
5) hope you're feeling better from your sickness
I like Shelley's format:
1) oh so cute baby elephant!
2) I shudder at the thought of that spider...the one I adamantly smooshed today PALES in comparison...but I am not sorry I killed it.
3) those kids are ca-UUTE
4) I wish I could have heard the laugh, have you perfected the imitation yet? If no, get working
5) Miss you
Boo, I was thinking about the thought format for this post even before I read those comments above. Well, I guess great minds think like... Here goes.
Elizabeth's thoughts:
1) Do you peel the bananas before feeding them to the elephants?
2) Totally cute baby?
3) How "just had a baby" was that mama elephant when she was required to carry passengers?
4) We are so lucky not to have to sleep with mosquito nets.
5)I love laughing because of laughing.
6) Sensitive plant!!! I learned about that plant in my seed plant class -coooooool!!
We saw that same plant in Kenya - very cool! Also I hate mosquito nets, I hate the way they touch my skin, Marc always makes sure they touch my face when he puts them on the bed (ack!) and I hate all the dead bugs you usually see in them. Now I am done my rant. Enjoy Bottle Beach!!!
Julie's thoughts:
1) I'm likin this list idea.
2) Oh-so-cute baby elephant was 3 months old (apparently old enough for Mama to start hauling hundreds of kilos at a time).
3) No need to peel bananas before feeding them to the elephants- they'll eat an entire unpeeled bunch at once... and they also eat whole melons.
4) I AM working on a laugh imitation.
5) Mosquito nets ARE gross, but mosquitos are grosser.
6) Spiders freak me out as well.
7) We miss you too.
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