We’ve tooted their horns before, and we’ll continue to do it until we’re blue in the face. Our good friends Kevan & Duane from
[6:8] Photography were our wedding photographers, and we were thrilled with both our engagement and wedding photos. The products were especially impressive given that we were their second wedding shoot

We keep a close eye on their
blog, and they continue to impress us more and more with every shoot they do. Not only do these boys ooze with talent, but they have personality, professionalism, and charm up the wazoo.

Over the past several months, Lowell has been working with them (from NZ!) to create a promotional video for their photography business. Last year Lowell accompanied them to
Zoe & Quinn’s wedding in Fernie to film the engagement session and wedding, then interviewed Zoe & Quinn in Victoria.
It’s been fun watching Lowell put his media skills to work and create this video. He worked so hard, and the final product is amazing (in my completely unbiased opinion). It’s definitely worth it to download/view the
17-minute version here, but otherwise, here’s the online
5-minute version.
Do yourselves a favour. If you or anyone you know is getting married, watch the video and pass it on. You won’t be sorry.
Love it! A wedding shoot would be so much fun these days - wish I could redo mine from 30 years ago!!
wow! great video! This made me wanna put on a white dress and get married JUST FOR THE PICTURES!
..now if only i could find a guy...hmm
I have loved following their growth as photographers! They both do such incredible work!
Good work on the editing, Lowell. :)
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