Dave & Lori's motto for their whirlwind NZ holiday was "no regrets". They were determined to leave this country satisfied with the knowledge that they would see/do anything that they may have regretted missing.
I think they successfully kept to their motto, and now have plenty of pictures and stories to share with their daughters Carmen and Charlotte (who have graced our wall with their presence since Christmas).

I wasn't present for any adventuring done outside of our home, but Lowell had the pleasure of joining them for a handful of activities (while I was busy being a sugar mama). Dave & Lori rented our neighbour's car and explored the vast beauty of this land on their own.

We had naturally assumed that Dave's transition to right-hand-drive-on-the-left-side-of-the-road would be smooth as silk because he drives a Japanese import in Canada. HOWEVER, as Dave will testify, it was
not as effortless as assumed. In fact, it was far more difficult. In Canada, he was forced to train himself to be comfortable driving a right-hand-drive on the right side of the road. He had to unlearn all the learning that was learned in order to become comfortable with kiwi driving (and not kill anyone).
Lori even tried her luck at the wheel...

Before they left Auckland, Lowell got to join them for a plane ride above the City. Dave is soooo into planes (he does, after all, have his pilot license!). We witnessed his passion any time a plane would fly overhead (day
or night) and Dave's feet suddenly developed little motors that sped him outside to point his eyes heavenward. Our proximity to the air field lent itself well to Dave's devotion.

Aw, brother and sister all eager and rarin to fly! 
This is a great shot of the downtown Auckland with the Sky Tower on the left.
Okay, now for Dave & Lori's kiwi adventuring (without a trace of us!)...
Obligatory stop at the giant L&P bottle...

Wait... this is a
different giant L&P bottle than the one WE stopped. THERE ARE
Anyhoo, back to Dave & Lori.
They climbed Mt Maunganui...

Devoured a meal in a McDonald's airplane...

Toured a kiwi milking parlour...

Hiked the Tongariro Crossing...

Smelled the egg-farty geisers in Rotorua...

Were captivated by a waterfall before the dams were opened...

And after....

They piddled in a fancy shmancy bathroom...

Perused the Hamilton Gardens...

Black water rafted through the "Waitomo caves"...

Boogy boarded at Muriwai...

White Island (NZ's only active marine volcano where they used to mine sulfur)...

The boiling, acidic lake has apparently consumed it's share of bodies etc. Ew. 

Spent an evening laughing and chatting with Marc & Kylie...

Snacked on ridiculous chicken flavoured chips (that Marc & Kylie introduced us to)...
Dave: "It tastes like Thanksgiving... I like Thanksgiving!"Inhaled our favourite Thai food...

And slammed Tim Tams...

Warning: Tim Tam Slams can be dangerous. My Milo was running low, so I tipped the mug into order to suck optimal amounts of the hot chocolate through my cookie. This resulted in chin and hip burns. Nothing that a few frozen bananas couldn't soothe...

Before they left, I packed up most of our belongings to send home with them...

We then bid them farewell at the Auckland airport on Friday evening *sniff sniff*...

We were very sad to see them go, as we thoroughly appreciate them and relished their company. However, we had little time to sulk as Mom & Dad's plane landed early Saturday morning. With goofs like these two around, I'm sure dull moments will be few and far between...

I see a DSM in the pile to head home.. Lowell does that mean you are finished!?
Thanks for posting these, Julie. I hope to get out to see them soon but to see what they did is just amazing!
We are supposed to get a blizzard here tonight...I sure hope not!
Thanks again! Susan (Dave' sister)
oh man, that is the best picture of Mum and Dad ever! Can someone please send me the original so I can print it for our house? About to send an email so won't say much except McDonald's in an airplane? Nothing could be cooler.
Awesome. Lucky visitors and visitees, too.
Yip! Yip!
Nice pic of the rents! You guys should all print it off and put it above your mantles!
Looks like Dave and Lori were able to squeeze lots into a short amount of time. I look forward to hearing the stories.
They got some really awesome pictures too...I might have to steal some for my scrapbook and say I took them. ;o)
You must be sooo excited that your parents are there...I look forward to the posts.
That impromptu picture of us was stolen from our camera by Secret Agent Julie. We are training for the SuperSprint division of Lethbridge's triatholon in May, hence the googely goggles. The pic is not authorized for use on mantles anywhere.
Love, Dad+Mom.
ps We have had a GREAT first week here in NZ, thanks to you Julie +Lowell and Marc+Kylie! It has been very much fun hanging out with you all and meeting your Kiwi friends and coworkers. Boogie boarding has been such a thrill and we are looking forward to doing more of that as well as hiking and kayaking with you J+L.
Love, Dad+Mom.
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