Christmas is always a fabulous time filled with terrific traditions at the G home.
For as long as I can remember, Mom would make gingerbread houses, and we'd have ourselves an afternoon of decorating (aka loading as much candy as possible on the houses). When we were really young- and our metabolisms were little motor boats- we would devour our own houses covered in sugary goodness. That self-stuffing is now a distant memory, however, as for the past several years we have each chosen a family with kids to give our houses to. Don't you worry, though- we still manage to allow PLENTY of calories to slide down our esophagi during the decorating process.
Last year in New Zealand, Lowell and I brought
Lance & Nat in on our little tradition.

This year- back in Canada- family friends Jen & Amy joined the fun (and Dad, Craig, Carlynne and Dan missed out because they were either at work or in a different province- boooo).
Some serious thought goes into these houses...

But also a whole lot of fun...

We worked and we worked and we worked...

(Piping the icing really put my bulging biceps to work). 
Here's our cul de sac of deliciousness...

This is Lowell's house....

And this is mine which
Marc lovingly referred to as a "decadent dollop of dental destruction"...

Now continuing our traditions...
On Christmas Eve, we go to church before making our rounds as Christmas carolers.

When we come home from belting out the Christmas tunes, we write our partner poems and prepare goodies for gift time.
We draw names, and it's a SECRET (which Dan has a hard time remembering:). When the partner gift is given- "DING DING DING DING"- the giver reads his/her poem to the receiver.
For the past four years, a new little dimension has been added to our festivities because we've taken turns being absent (booo). SKYPE. Since Carlynne and Dan could only make it as far as Edmonton this year (due to their ridiculous residency schedules in Ottawa), they joined us via Skype. Poems were still read and gifts were still given (thank you, Greyhound).

Carlynne and Dan listened intently to Marc's poem...

Marc is a very talented and expressive poet!

Poems were listened to expectantly...

Gifts were opened enthusiastically...

Some of us had more trouble than others...

Much laughter was had...

And some people were really disappointed when there were no more gifts to be opened...

This year we even got a special little package from New Zealand. Knowing my fascination with aprons, Mama Gwilliam included an apron that she sewed when she was ELEVEN YEARS OLD. How special!!

Love it!!
I'm a huge fan of the traditions that my parents started with us, and I also love how the in-laws have stepped right on board and embraced our traditions with us. It's a fun crowd let me tell you. So, now the countdown to Christmas 2010 has begun!