On Monday morning (Dec 22nd), we woke up very excited but also a little nervous. What was on the agenda for today you ask? Luging and… BUNGY JUMPING.
I don’t think I’ve shown you the view from our hostel. Well, here it is:

Goin up the gondola...

I have never had even the least little bit of desire to bungy jump, but I’m in NZ, so I couldn’t NOT go. Isn’t that the first thing people ask when you’ve been to NZ: “Did you bungy jump?” Why yes. Yes I have, thank you for asking.

I was first up, but my turn was delayed as the young lady ahead of me refused to jump, but also refused to remove herself from the ledge. The bungy workers encouraged her, but after 15 minutes of running to the edge, coming to a crashing halt, looking over the edge and psyching herself out, the frustrated men running the joint gave her the boot (as in, asked her to leave. They did NOT boot her over the edge. They would’ve been in big trouble if they had (I asked)).
This young woman’s antics could have potentially psyched me out, but instead it just convinced me NOT to look down before jumping. So, after having the harness put on by a guy who broadcasted that it was his first day on the job (not a very bright move), one of the experienced guys re-did the harness (much to my relief) and made me stand on the ledge for this compulsory picture. But trust me you… I did NOT look down.

I want to do it again… but LONGER.
Here’s my video. I’m not sure what’s up with the noises that were coming out of my mouth. The bungy guys claimed that I sounded like a fire truck. After watching the video, I agree.
Next up was Erin.

Here she goes!

Next it was time for the swingers, and Lowell was up first.

Then Julie Anne!

After her reluctance to participate, Julie Anne ADMITTED that she had fun and was even glad that she did it. It was the most expensive 5 seconds of our young lives, and all that was included other than the jump was a cheapo 2 dollar shirt, but I would say it was worth it!
Following the bungy, we headed further south to Milford Sound. This is arguably the most stunning place on earth. So beautiful, in fact, that Erin vowed to name her first child Milford.
You'll just have to wait to see the sheer beauty that is Milford Sound...