Saturday, March 03, 2012

Family Week- Part 2

This is part TWO of our family time, and I am going to seriously overload you with pictures once again.

Here goes!

1. Shareen (the make-up guru of the family) did all of our make-up and we took some fun girly pictures to highlight her talent...

Shareen did a little gothic look on herself, and Mom had a very unusual motherly reaction of "That. Looks. AWESOME!" Had Shareen attempted to leave the house like that when she was 14, I think the reaction may have been a tad different!

While Shareen was busy DOING everyone's make-up, the rest of us had a little extra time to fool around, so Carlynne and I did a little Olsen twin impersonating...

I kissed Kylie...

She licked me...

And Fraser popped in for a shot...

Then of course we had to get a shot of all of us...

Kudos to Lowell- our fabulous (and patient!) photographer!

2. Some photogs of the cutesie cuzzies...

Can you spot the (blatantly obvious) Cuban souvenirs for Ty?

Oh, and Fraser has TOMS (thanks to Auntie Mandy and Uncle G-Reim)! He's officially more stylish than his mama. Soooooo cute...

3. Fraser- weighing in at almost 18lbs- is NEARLY rolling over back to front...

AND he's absolutely ROCKING tummy time...

Also, this child is CHATTY and GIGGLY and it's been a spectacularly fun stage (minus the lack of sleep that he once again deems necessary)!

4. Little Fraser also met BIG Fraser again! Yay for Fraser squared!

5. We resurrected the ol ping pong table and dusted off our skills. I'm not too shy to admit that Carlynne and I did pretty darn awesome (especially considering how long it had been since we've played)! Killer ping pong, I tell you... killer ping pong.

6. Believe it or not, there was also a lot more that we did that was NOT photographed. Hmmm... meals, calligraphy lessons from Carlynne, hot tub time, lattes and conversation up the wazoo and so so much more. The bottom line is... I LOVE me some family time!


Mama Bear said...

fun photo shoots!

And Carlynne looks like the killer in killer ping pong. ha

Anonymous said...

I like the Olsen impersonations. Especially cause Carlynne almost looks like she could be their triplet in a couple of the photos! Looks like a great week was had by all. I wish Shareen could do my make up too! So jealous!
