March 28th was Kumeu's second birthday and Fraser's half birthday, and we MAY have had a party! Nana & Papa plus our small group pals along with their doggies and babies joined us for the pseudo-ridiculous fun.
"Kumeu, aren't you just soooo pumped for our PARTY??!!"Fraser had the best half birthday cake ever- made by my friend Kathryn of "Kathryn's Cakes". Boy did SHE deliver...

Looks totally normal right? WRONG!

Thanks Kat & Steph- it was not only beautiful but SO DELICIOUS!!
Fraser was THRILLED about his half birthday cake that he wasn't going to get any of...

Kumeu was also excited about HIS cake- although it didn't look NEARLY as appealing to the
human eye...

Mmmm.... there's nothing like tuna cake with peanut butter frosting! (I DID try it, and
seriously... there's nothing QUITE like it).
Kumeu and his friends Maggie & Kali partied outside...

I can't believe we only have this one picture of Fraser with his baby friends. Nico with his mama, Hope with his Dada, and of course Fraser with his Daddy. Lowell is right ready to get rowdy in his "party shirt" (as he so proudly referred to it)...

While the dogs partied outside, we included Kumeu in Fraser's
indoor party when we played a rousing rendition of "Pin the Tail on Kumeu"...

Another highlight of the party was INTRODUCING FRASER TO SOLIDS!

Mmmmm... yummmm...

Fraser handled it like a champ (using a hand-carved African spoon courtesy of Stephen & Tricia)!

At one point he started wailing, and I thought he was done, but he calmed down the instant I presented him with more rice cereal. I couldn't feed the kid fast enough! Here's the sequence:

"Oh that's better"...

"Mmmmm.... sooo good. Let me help you with that, Mommy"....

It was very brave of me to introduce solids without giving him a bib, no? Especially since he was dressed in his birthday outfit (not to be confused with his birthday
suit (hehe))! In the interest of full disclosure, I didn't even think about it. Oh I have soooo much to learn!
Little side note. I was SO anticipating witnessing Fraser's reaction to food that I was completely blind-sided by MY reaction. We had a house full of people so I only showed my excited side... but really? I wanted to cry. Suddenly I realized how big he was and that he didn't need JUST ME anymore, and I was overcome with emotion. Truth be told, I DID shed a tear or two when everyone left... but I'm a big girl. I'll get over it. :)
And rather than ending on a sappy emotional note, I'll end with some crazy fun pictures because our friends are crazy awesome.