This weekend was filled with firsts for our quickly-growing pup, Kumeu!
Soon after arriving at Waterton Lakes National Park, we took Kumeu for his first kind-of swim. I say "kind-of swim" because he wasn't fully emerged so he didn't REALLY swim... but he was close.

It was still a positive experience, though, and I'm sure he'll have no problem utilizing his webbed paws when he gets deep enough to go for a REAL swim!

Our weekend was filled with walks and ice cream. We're so obviously Albertans, however, because we didn't snap
any pictures of the MANY deer that we encountered. This is the closest we got to a deer shot...

Not only was this Kumeu's first camping trip, but it was Lowell and my first camping trip together in Canada! We finally got to break in the tent that Uncle Mike & Auntie Joni gave us for our wedding (3 years ago). We had no clue how big it was going to be, and were pleasantly surprised to find that it fit both of us, all our stuff, AND Kumeu's crate... with plenty of room to spare.

I just love how Kumeu totally chillaxes with us. I'm pretty sure he thinks he's a real kid (probably because we hold him like one)...

Kumeu was an angel during the night. Our drunken, four-letter-word-lovin neighbours, however, certainly were not.
As per the norm, after I took Kumeu out first thing in the morning, he eagerly woke Lowell up with his kisses. It's entertaining to watch, and I'm SURE that Lowell lives for his daily puppy-slobber shower...

BIIIIG puppy stretch...

After brekky, packing up, and grabbing a little cafe au lait, we went to the base of Bears Hump to meet Julie Anne & Ryan.

There they are!

While Bears Hump is a relatively low key hike, I still carried Kumeu up the high/steep steps (we're trying to prevent hip/joint issues). Good thing he's only 30 pounds...

If you look closely at the bottom left of the following picture, you can see the chipmunk that Kumeu spotted. Not the best scenario as Kumeu's curiosity was getting the best of him, and we were ON THE EDGE OF A CLIFF in the gales of wind...

A view of the Prince of Wales hotel from the top. It looks like a toy!

Annnnnd back down again...

So to sum up, our weekend was all about walking, talking, and ice cream. Oh yes... and mounties...