Over the past month, we've had the pleasure of spending oodles of time with BOTH of our families. In May, Marc, Kylie, Ty, Carlynne & Dan were here for one glorious WEEK. Carlynne and Dan came to help decorate Lowell and my house (more to come on that another day!!), and Marc, Kylie, & Ty unexpectedly came at the last minute because
Kylie's Grandpa passed away (which was sad, but it was so great to have M, K & T here!). Total coinkidink that they're trips coincided. Given the enormity of this family get together, it's shocking how FEW pictures we took... but at least we got SOME.
Last weekend we got to hang with Lowell's fam when we made the trek to Sherwood Park for little Julia's dedication. We were more our camera-happy selves on THIS trip!
And now I'm just going to let the pictures do the talking. We'll start with Lethbridge...

Okay, I WILL explain the following picture. Ty's bottles were left to sterilize in the boiling water a TAD too long which resulted in a pile of melted bottle products. Mom signed it and it's now proudly displayed in my parents' garage...

Now Sherwood Park...

And I'm also going to talk about THIS picture. Lowell captured this somewhat disturbing shot of Kumeu seemingly having a massive stroke? Not TOO sure what's distorting my adorable pup's cutesie little face at this unfortunate moment...

Oh good, now he's back to his cute adorable self...

Let me interject for another sec here. I didn't get any shots of the twinnies, so I toootally stole this picture from Lori so you could see these adorable growing girlies. Just over 3 months old now and SO CUTE...

Now back to our shots...

The end.