(more about the name to come later...)May 14th was a glorious day indeed! Not only was it PUPPY DAY, but we picked up Carlynne, Dan, Marc, Kylie & Ty from the airport AND saw every member of BOTH of our families save one sibling/family on each side.
After a wonderful visit with cousins Steve & Alison in Calgary, we headed straight to Grandma's farm where the puppies and breeders (aka Lowell's parents and Grandma) were awaiting our arrival.

The most common question we've been asked is: "How on earth did you choose Kumeu out of this litter of cuties?!"
Well, firstly, we wanted a darker coloured male, so that narrowed it down to three. It was between red collar, blue collar, and black collar.
Next, we did a series of "tests" with them. Here Lowell is doing the "crash test" with one pup...

The tests didn't really narrow anything down because let's be honest... they're golden retrievers. Each one is as good as the last. The blue-collared pup, however, seemed a little more interested in a hole than people, so we nixed him (poor pup). That narrowed it down to two: red and black. Basically, red had solid gold paws (versus white tips) so we went with him. VERY SCIENTIFIC, I know.

The pups were pretty exhausted after the strenuous testing...

So, Kumeu said good-bye to his birth mother (Bonnie), and headed to Lowell's parents' farm with his NEW parents (i.e., us).

He was so good in the car right away...

At Lowell's parents' farm, he met his papa (Beau) for the first time...

He also spent some quality time with Lowell's family...

Before long, we headed to Julie Anne's for supper then to the airport to pick up the G sibs!
Let me tell you, if you ever want a LOT of attention, walk through a crowded airport with a puppy AND a baby!

So. Much. Attention.
We joked that the boys should head off with Kumeu and Ty (without the girls) and see how many numbers they could get. CHICK MAGNETS!
We all hopped in the van (that we borrowed from my parents) and drove the van full of happiness to Lethbridge.

We got home around 1am, played with Kumeu and introduced him to his crate, then turned in for the night shortly after 2am. Kumeu was a little angel! He didn't cry at all. I woke up just before 6am, so I took him out for a piddle and we started our day.
We made a sod box for him to eliminate in, but he has decided that it makes a more comfortable bed than potty spot...

Oh he's just so dang cute.... we love him so much!

So far we've taken roughly 650 pictures... you will definitely see more of them in the very near future...