It's the best. The. Absolute. BEST!
It's an action-comedy (and let's be honest...ROMANCE (kind of)) about a computer whiz who, as Wikipedia so eloquently puts it, "receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working in the CIA; the message embeds the only remaining copy of the world's greatest spy secrets into Chuck's brain". Therefore, he's a SECRET ASSET to the CIA and is basically "saving the world at 11 dollars an hour".
It's filled with pretty girls, action, romance, and HUMOUR. SO much humour. What combination could possibly beat that?

Pretty girl alert! Pretty girl alert!
Lowell and I recently discovered that Chuck's third season was NEARLY canceled due to lack of ratings. Well it's time for us to provide a little public service here to help save Chuck because we don't want another Veronica Mars* situation on our hands.
So here goes...WATCH CHUCK. Trust me- it's great. Zachary Levi (Chuck) and Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah) are now two of my all time favourite actors. I secretly dream of being Sarah's right hand woman. Helping kick some serious butt for the CIA.
Sarah: Awesome CIA Agent #1...

*By the time Lowell and I even discovered Veronica Mars, it was already canceled. FOR SHAME. Had we heard about it earlier, we definitely would've supported the crap out of it and surely saved it from it's undeserved demise.