Lowell and I completed the four day scuba certification course through Dive Point. We chose this company because it's relatively small, and we had an instructor to ourselves.

Neither of these were OUR boats, but they look similar enough...

Unfortunately, none of the underwater pictures we took (well, our instructor took for us as the newbies weren't allowed to bring extra things down) turned out- the photo place refused to even develop them. No worries though- we are determined to get good pictures at the Great Barrier Reef. (Julie Anne- wanna fly down and join us with your shnazzy waterproof digital camera?!)
So that's all we have to show for our 4 day scuba course in Koh Tao.
Good thing we stayed a FIFTH day so we could get a decent picture or two of the island!
Lowell and I decided to be ambitious and rent a motorbike. And this is where Lowell and I had a little uncommunicated misunderstanding. Between the two of us, I do all the driving. I assumed that he knew that I'd never driven a motorbike before (except for the time in Junior High when I hopped on Uncle Billy's bike soon after Marc was done riding it, and drove it straight into the hedge), and Lowell assumed that I HAD driven a motorbike before (why? I don't know.)
Anyhoo, the owner of the bike shop gave us a quick low down, then handed the standard bike over to us. With the owner and his employees watching, I stalled the bike 3 times before getting going. When I DID get going, I felt TOTALLY out of control (probably because I WAS totally out of control) and I drove through 2 driveways separated by a gutter (that didn't sound pretty), then nearly hit two trucks and another motorbike before I was riding straight. WOW was that ever humiliating. And what's worse is that we were HELMET-LESS. Everyone is helmetless here. Uh, I think it's a law to wear a helmet at home for a reason. Like perhaps if someone named Julie suddenly decides she can safely ride a motorbike on public roads.
The people at the shop were probably convinced that I'd be paying for a totalled bike. I think they took bets on it.
Well, believe it or not, I DID get the hang of it, and Lowell and I enjoyed cruising around the island.

We mainly just drove around, but we made one stop at a pretty little viewpoint.

From Koh Tao, we headed back to Bangkok for the final 4 days of our Thai journey. In Bangkok we relaxed, ate yummy food, got cheap massages, and even bought tailor-made clothes. Today we fly to Melbourne, Australia. Sooooo... good-bye Thailand and HELLO AUSTRALIA!
Oh Julie, don't tempt me...I would be on the next flight to Australia if I could!! Are you going to buy another underwater camera to try to get some pictures?
yay!! can't wait for the next adventure! you will LOVE Australia! i offer one piece of advice. While in Australia, before entering a room (or a car), check the ceiling! Huntsmen spiders like to hang out on ceilings and they are GIGANTIC and they jump!
But don't worry...they're not poisonous :)
If, however, we don't see you there (heh heh), we'll probably purchase another disposable, but also try and dive with people who DO have an underwater digital, have them take a couple pictures for us, then transfer them right away. Weak alternative to having you there though!
Shelley- ACK!
Fun!! I am terrified to try Scuba because I have issues with being underwater.
Also, poison in spiders only matters if YOU are eating THEM... it's venom you want to worry about. Who cares if they're poisonous, are they venomous??
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