Last weekend was my Mom's 35th nursing reunion, so Ma & Pa ventured to Edmonton for the weekend of festivities. Mom's festivities centered around the reunion, but Dad's fun centered around US (as spouses are no longer invited to the nursing reunions!)
They arrived Friday night and Mom went straight to her shin diggity. Dad came to our place, and Carlynne took a break from her intensive studying to join us for the evening for supper and the viewing of one of our all time favourite movies: Princess Diaries. We're so lucky to have men in our lives who like (and arguably prefer) chick flicks!
Saturday came quickly, and started early with breakfast at Uncle Tom & Aunt Janet's. What a feast. I love breakfasts. I look forward to them when I go to bed. I really don't understand people who don't eat breakfasts.
Next it was off to the Kinsmen Sports Centre for Mom, Dad, Lowell & I. We planned on playing tennis and/or badminton but the courts were booked. Dang. We made use of our time there anyway, and came home right ready to scarf down some loaded sandawichies.
After lunch (and a NAP- very common among the G fam), we went to the Brink's place for tea. It's always a delight to catch up with "Auntie" Irene & Shannon. We always pick up where we left off and have a grande ol time!
Following that delightful tea time, we dropped Mom off and had our first 7-11 stop. We had coupons for free stuff, but we could only use one coupon each at each 7-11, so we had to make a couple stops. We got bevies at the first stop, then redeemed the most important coupons: the ones for the HOT DOGS. Not only was this supper free for us, but we actually made money on it. As we were leaving the second 7-11, the lady called us back in (rather frantically I might add) and gave us 62 cents. We're still a little confused about that little transaction!
This satisfied my 3 month craving for a juicy 'dog with a lot of ketchup. Nothin but ketchup. I loooove ketchup.
We enjoyed our hot dogs while watching MATTY (aka Matlock). My Dad hadn't seen it in ages, so it was a happy reunion for him indeed.
After din din, we soaked up the brilliant sunshine and went for a walk. We played at the Legislature for a while, then took the long way to a coffee shop for some refreshing beverages.
Our little snowball-aiming competition at the Legislature didn't satisfy Dad's competitive spirit as he sporadically grabbed snowballs during the rest of the walk and hucked them at random targets.
(PS- the next day he still picked up snowballs, but this time started throwing them at me on the way to church. I quickly walked right up to an elderly lady with limited mobility(also going to church) thinking that this would prevent my Dad from whipping the snowball at me. NOPE. The snowball grazed my body anyway! That Daddio... always looking for some good (and slightly risky) fun!)
Sunday, Mom & Dad's last day here, came all too soon. Before church, I pulled a Shareen & Kylie and did my make-up in the living room. I never do this... they always do. I didn't want to miss any of the action.

(I know this action doesn't look overly invigorating, but I'm sure the conversation was intense!) :

This month has been a family-filled month and I wouldn't have it any other way. On Thursday night, Carlynne and I are flying to Victoria where we will meet Shareen & Kylie and have a sister weekend. Too bad I'll be attending a conference 85% of the time...
And one more bit of news for today: CARLYNNE FINISHED HER LAST EXAM FOR MED SCHOOL THIS MORNING. SHE'S DONE!!!! She will officially have her M.D. in a month. CONGRATULATORIES CARLYNNE!!!