1. Camping! We managed to squeak in a wee camping trip to Waterton in August (way back in 2015). Our highly vented tent was no match for the surprise frigid temperatures, however, so we decided to bail in the midst of an evening thunderstorm before our second night. The temperature dropped below zero and it began to snow as we started the drive home, so I think we made the right call. Still- for the brief time that we were there, the kids had a blast... and this is the extent of photographic evidence that we have.
3. Thankfully, summer temperatures returned, and Chels and I braved a Waterton trip sans hubbies.
This served as Stefan's final trip in the backpack as I don't think those packs are meant for the 600+ pounds that he is. Also, when I set him down in the pack, he started to walk away with it (while in it)... I'm pretty sure that means he has officially outgrown it.
3. Fraser started preschool in September! Adorable. Of course I had to do the cliche first-day-of-school shot. He went from wanting to be a doctor to wanting to be a "bowling ball teacher" to wanting to be a "bowling ball cake maker" (very specific niche, that one) to wanting to be Ironman. His vocational destiny is anyone's guess, really.
4. Fraser turned four! He was really into Rescue Bots and firetrucks, so Uncle Warren gave us a tour of the fire hall, and I created a Rescue Bot cake pop/present extravaganza.
Chels made and painted the crate for presentation sake... excellent (and extraordinarily talented) friend, that one!
Fraser. was. stoked.
5. Directly on the heels of Fraser's birthday was Stefan's half birthday... the big 2.5! Originally, Stefan wanted to be a doctor, but then he proudly announced, "I want to be a doctor, then I want to be A GIANT MONKEY!" Seems fitting. He has since decided, though, that he'll simply be Spiderman. Lowell and my future is looking bright-- we'll have Ironman and Spiderman taking care of us in our old age. Plus, we'll have bowling ball cakes at our disposal, so things could definitely be worse!
6. October 27 would have been Colbie's first birthday, so Shareen & Craig hosted a small gathering to celebrate the short time that she was in our lives. We ate delicious food and released balloons in memory of dear sweet Colbie Marie Rose!
7. Halloween! Between the boys' day home, preschool, and actual trick-or-treating, I had to prepare four sets of costumes. Well, I didn't have to, but I couldn't bring myself to repeat a costume, nor could I purchase ready-made costumes. Not for financial reasons... it's a pride thing. I'm weird that way.
We started off with what might have been my most brilliant stroke of genius ever. And not to be confused as sheer laziness at all. The boys went as each other.
Secondly, Fraser transformed into Cody from Rescue Bots. I felt this was only natural as he really truly does look like Cody (minus the jet black brows).
Somewhere in there, the boys dressed in their superhero outfits but I failed to snap a decent photo. No worries, though, we have plenty of past evidence of them masquerading as superheroes!
Lastly, Stefan dressed up as a young Andy Griffith, and Fraser was an old Andy Griffith (aka Matlock). Lowell and I MAY have had a little something to do with this costume choice. Andy Griffith/Matlock is one of my favourite celebs of all time, and we're happy to optimize this period of time where the boys remain oblivious to the fact that most kids are in charge of their own Halloween fate. I'm hoping to squeak one more year out of their oblivion!
The resemblance is uncanny.
Halloween is not just for the kids, though! Michelle (my capable speech assistant) and I dressed as Super Speech Enforcers. We humbly fancy ourselves superheroes of sorts.
We love us some Auntie Liz! It was all fun, games, coffee, and Christmas lights until Fraser's gasping for air woke us in the middle of the night, and we took a trip to Emergency.
Dang croup. I hate when kids are sick... but grateful for a hospital that's very close to our home, and my mama who accompanies us on such undesirable excursions. Fraser was given some meds, and sent home to recover!
9. BABY JASPER!! My twin sister, Carlynne, gave birth to Jasper Cade on December 20th. What an adorable little man!
10. Christmas!! We took the boys to see Santa (obviously), but Stefan was not about to approach the heavily bearded man's lap without mom and dad. Stef was with me, but ditched me when he noticed Lowell and Fraser cozying up on the opposite side of Santa... leaving me lurking awkwardly on the left there.
I left the boys' official Christmas photo to the pro- Jen of La Di Da Lane Photography...
We had a very quiet Christmas at home with my parents which was really quite lovely.
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Little boy and a huge X-ray machine! |
11. Skiing! We hit the slopes a few times, and the kids nailed it. Nick, Chels & kids were there as well, so we scored some awesome photos from Chelsea! Hers are the good ones....
12. Nana & Papa (bless their grandparental souls) offered to watch the boys so Lowell and I could zip out to Ottawa to meet Jasper. And also so Auntie Julie could spoil Fin and bribe her way to fave-auntiehood.
13. Winter fun. The kids will scooter and bike even if there IS snow, and crazy carpet even if there ISN'T snow. Crazy kids! We made many many trips to the dog run, and in a stroke of brilliance, I discovered a small slope that the boys could safely sled down while I threw the ball to exercise Kumeu. I know... sheer. Genius.
14. Valentine's Day. This is the boys' uncharacteristically simple Valentine's shot...
I know. I surprise even myself sometimes.
15. St. Patrick's Day photo shoot.... I went back to my old over-propped ways!
16. Fraser's half birthday (4.5!) and Kumeu's sixth birthday!
17. Let's not forget Easter...
18. And how about those hippies? Props to Grandmere & Poppy for the hippy gear!
19. Chelsea and fam celebrated Stefan's birthday with us, and before the party got underway, Chels snapped some family photos for us... only because she's the best of the best. Chelsea Mackenzie Photography all the way!!
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The birthday boy... Stefan is THREE! |
Let the festivities begin! We ate pizza, opened presents, and devoured cake pops... all while the kids donned their new personalized dino shirts!
And that's a wrap! It seems crazy that we now have a 4.5-year old and a three year old on our hands. They are both bubbling over with personality, they get along famously (most of the time), and we are so proud of the big, kind, helpful, smart, hilarious, energetic (but thankfully/importantly not too energetic!) boys that they are. How we got so lucky, I'll never know... but I will never stop being grateful!